BNB Chain Unveils New Projects for Early July 2024

BNB Chain Unveils New Projects for Early July 2024

Jessie A Ellis
Jul 24, 2024 06:21

BNB Chain introduces new projects from July 1st to 7th, spanning DeFi, AI, Web3 gaming, and more.

BNB Chain Unveils New Projects for Early July 2024

BNB Chain has announced a fresh lineup of projects for the first week of July 2024, according to the BNB Chain Blog. The new additions span various sectors including DeFi, AI, decentralized social networks (DeSoc), and Web3 gaming.

New Projects Overview

From July 1st to 7th, several promising projects have joined the BNB Chain ecosystem:

Project Category Description
APRO Oracle Infrastructure APRO Oracle spreads BNB Chain asset prices across 10+ BTC L2s, enhancing liquidity authority.
Flap Meme Flap makes token launches fun & easy for degens with battle royale duels. Meme Fair launch platform for meme coins on BNB Chain. Dedicated to empowering creators and communities to launch successful meme coin projects with ease. Serves as a hub for creating a thriving meme economy with viral creations and community engagement.
iMe Infrastructure Telegram-based messenger with integrated crypto wallet and DeFi tools for seamless operations.
JarvisBot AI JarvisBot, your personal AI assistant with AIGC capability! Play2Earn & AI2Earn!
Moongate Infrastructure Building a Modular Web3 Engagement Layer for Real-World Activations.
Ta-da AI Ta-da means good data! High quality data for AI models, powered by blockchain.

Sectoral Highlights

The projects introduced cover a broad spectrum of technological advancements:

  • Infrastructure: APRO Oracle, iMe, and Moongate are set to enhance the fundamental frameworks of the BNB Chain ecosystem.
  • Meme: Flap and aim to revolutionize the meme coin market by making token launches accessible and engaging.
  • AI: JarvisBot and Ta-da offer innovative AI solutions, focusing on personal assistance and high-quality data provision respectively.

For more detailed information on these projects, visit the official BNB Chain Blog.

Image source: Shutterstock

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