Can Silver deliver higher returns than Gold and What’s driving the Prices Up? 

Can Silver deliver higher returns than Gold and What’s driving the Prices Up? 

Russia’s central bank has announced plans to purchase silver as part of its reserves, a move that could significantly impact global silver prices amid ongoing geopolitical tensions. This decision marks a shift from the traditional focus on gold reserves by central banks and could have far-reaching consequences for the global precious metals market and industries reliant on silver. 

Russian Central Bank Announces Silver Purchase 

For decades, central banks primarily held gold in their reserves. However, Russia’s move to diversify its holdings by including silver, platinum, and palladium reflects a changing strategy. This shift is particularly noteworthy given Russia’s position as one of the world’s largest producers of these metals. The timing of this announcement is crucial, coming in the midst of heightened global uncertainty due to ongoing conflicts and economic challenges. Russia’s Draft Federal Budget for the upcoming year includes plans for the State Fund to continue adding gold, platinum, and palladium to its reserves, and now, for the first time, silver as well. Last year, Russia was the world’s eighth-largest silver producer, generating 38.5 million ounces. While silver production is less significant to Russia’s economy compared to its gold, platinum, and palladium industries, the decision to acquire silver for reserves could be a strategic move to leverage its natural resources and bolster its economic position. 

Impact on Global Silver Prices 

The potential impact on global silver prices could be substantial. Historical data shows that silver prices have underperformed compared to gold and palladium since 2011. However, this new demand from a major central bank could drive prices higher. The Silver Institute reports that from 2022 through 2024, global supplies of silver are projected to fall short of meeting demand by a combined 663 million ounces, indicating an already tight market that could be further strained by Russia’s purchases. This move by Russia could lead to a significant jump in silver prices, potentially by fifty percent or more within the next two years. Such an increase would have wide-ranging effects on various industries and economies globally. 

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Impact on Indian Companies 

For Indian manufacturing companies, especially those in sectors heavily reliant on silver such as electronics, solar panels, and medical devices, the impact could be substantial. A sharp rise in silver prices would likely increase production costs, potentially squeezing profit margins if these costs cannot be passed on to consumers. Indian electronics manufacturers, in particular, might face challenges as silver is a crucial component in many electronic devices due to its excellent conductivity. The solar panel industry, which uses silver in photovoltaic cells, could also see increased costs, potentially slowing the adoption of solar energy at a time when many countries, including India, are pushing for renewable energy expansion. 

Medical device manufacturers using silver for its antibacterial properties in various products might also experience higher input costs. This could affect the affordability of certain medical

supplies, potentially impacting healthcare accessibility. However, the impact on profit margins for Indian companies would depend on several factors. These include their ability to negotiate supply contracts, implement cost-saving measures, or pass on increased costs to customers. Companies with better hedging strategies or those able to quickly adapt their production processes might be better positioned to maintain their profit margins. 

On the flip side, Indian silver mining companies or those with significant silver reserves could benefit from higher prices, potentially offsetting some of the negative impacts on the manufacturing sector. 


In conclusion, Russia’s decision to add silver to its reserves amidst global uncertainties could have significant ripple effects. While it may boost silver prices and benefit some sectors, it poses challenges for industries reliant on silver as a key input. Indian manufacturing companies, in particular, may need to reassess their strategies and supply chains to navigate potential price volatility in the silver market. 

Written By: Dipangshu Kundu

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