Coming Soon: A CAPC Exploration of Tribalism in Our Divisive Age

Coming Soon: A CAPC Exploration of Tribalism in Our Divisive Age

We’re heading into what certainly seems like the most fraught election in United States history—a sensation due in large part to the divisive and tribalistic nature of our politics. Indeed, the gulf between Left and Right, progressive and conservative, Democrat and Republican, has never felt more vast… or more dangerous.

Back in June, we sent out a call for features that might help us all think through this intense tribalism. Starting on October 25, we’ll begin publishing them and consider a few questions, such as:

  • What can video games and classic TV reveal about the pros and cons of tribalism?
  • Is tribalism always bad, or can it actually be used to help us discern and decipher truth in an increasingly murky and complicated culture?
  • How are tribalism and human fallibility portrayed in comic books?

As we draw ever-closer to Election Day, and even after the ballots have been cast and counted, we want to thoughtfully consider how forces—political, cultural, etc.—are striving to drive us apart, and to what end. And more importantly, we want to seek and promote ways that Christians, specifically, can look past lies and manipulation, hold onto the good and the true, and seek to unify and heal instead of tear down and divide.

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