Having acted with some of the megastars in the industry like Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan, Hrithik Roshan, among several others, actress Himani Shivpuri has seen the Indian film industry evolve over the years. While actors do have a much smoother ride in terms of shoots and facilities in the current generation, courtesy their entourage, many of the older generation actors have also pointed out the cons, which is most likely the tendency to overly be dependent on them. In an exclusive interview with Bollywood Hungama, Himan Shivpuri addressed one such point.
EXCLUSIVE: Himani Shivpuri reveals how ‘bigade hue’ actors’ entourage’s budget impact actors like her; says, “Producers are taxed and he takes it on people like us”
Himani Shivpuri recalls an Anurag Kashyap interview she watched recently.
During the Rapid-Fire round with Bollywood Hungama, Himani Shivpuri was asked about the one thing she would like to change about Bollywood culture currently. It is at this time did she recall a recent Anurag Kashyap interview she came across. She said, “Yesterday I was just watching an interview of Anurag Kashyap where he said, ‘A star’s makeup man charges one lakh rupees’. I would like to change that culture. I mean, it should be reasonable because this is a bit too unreasonable.”
Himani Shivpuri requests ‘bigade hue’ stars to be more down-to-earth like Hollywood
She continued on the subject and added, “Why can’t we be simple like Hollywood yaar. Itne bade bade stars hain (They are such huge stars). They don’t have such an entourage, there is this bus type where the food is served like a buffet and sab khud khana khaate hai (everyone eats with everybody else and on their own). Hum toh itne bigde hue hain ki driver gaadi chalata hai, magar woh toh khud hi apni gaadi chalata hain (We are so spoilt that our driver drives the car for us but they don’t do that, they drive their own car). That sort of thing should be there. Why should the producer be taxed and he would take it out on people like us! Humare liye budget kam hota hai (Our budgets get slashed because of this).”
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