How To Deactivate Instagram Account On Android And iOS

How To Deactivate Instagram Account On Android And iOS

Social media apps like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter have seen a surge in usage since the Coronavirus pandemic took over. When it comes to millennials, Instagram is one of the most popular apps.

People use Instagram to see memes, videos, and follow celebrities. Instagram also caters to individuals trying to develop themselves as personal brands.

But, if you think that Instagram is consuming a lot of time and you want an indefinite break, you can deactivate your Instagram account either temporarily or permanently as per your choice. Follow the steps mentioned below to know how to deactivate your Instagram account.

How To Deactivate Instagram Account Permanently?

  1. Open the Instagram app on your phone and tap on the profile icon.
Instagram homepage

2. Tap on the hamburger menu icon and then select Settings.

Settings to deactivate Instagram account

3. Now tap Help and, then, tap on the Help Center.

Insta help center

4. You will now be redirected to a new page. Tap on the hamburger menu icon in the top-right corner and select Manage Your Account.

manage your Insta account

4. Then, select Delete Your Account.

delete your account insta

5. Open the dropdown titled How do I delete my Instagram account?

how do i delete my insta account

6. Scroll down and select Delete your account.

delete your account link

7. Give a reason as to why you are deleting your account. Then, re-enter the password for your Instagram account, tap on the blue delete button near the bottom, and confirm your decision when prompted.

confirm deleting your account

Keep in mind that once you permanently deactivate your Instagram account, you cannot reclaim it later. You can create a new Instagram account, but you will not be able to extract information from the previous account. Alternatively, you have the option to temporarily deactivate your account. Also, check out our article on how to delete clubhouse account permanently using simple steps!

How To Deactivate Instagram Account Temporarily

  1. Log in to Instagram via a web browser.
  2. Tap on the profile icon in the bottom right corner of the screen.
Delete Instagram account using web browser

3. Tap on Edit Profile.

tap the instagram edit profile button

4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and tap on Temporarily disable my account.

temporarily disable your Instagram account

5. Give a reason as to why you want to temporarily delete your Instagram account and then re-enter your password.

6. Now, tap on the Temporarily disable account button to close Instagram account temporarily.

temporarily disable Instagram account

Instagram will now temporarily remove you from the platform without erasing your data. If you temporarily deactivate the Instagram account, people won’t find you in search, or in their followers, and following.

By the way, if Twitter is another platform you’d like to delete your account from, why not check out this guide. Moreover, do check out our linked article on how to delete reddit account quickly.


1. What happens when you delete or deactivate your Instagram?

Deleting or deactivating an Instagram account removes all your profile information, posts, followers, likes, and comments from the platform.

2. Will I lose followers if I deactivate my Instagram account?

Yes, you will also lose all the uploaded posts, saved posts, followers as well as people you are following if you disable Instagram permanently.
However, the case is different if you temporarily delete the Instagram account. Your account will only be removed from the platform on a temporary basis and you can always re-access it.

3. How many times can you deactivate an Instagram account?

You can temporarily deactivate your Instagram account once a week. In other words, if you disable your account this week but come back for some reason, you cannot disable it until the week is over.

4. Can I deactivate my Instagram account twice?

You can deactivate your account twice if you are doing so temporarily. But keep in mind that once you deactivate your account, you will have to wait a week to deactivate it again.

5. Will Instagram delete my account in 30 days?

After a time span of 30 days, your Instagram account will be permanently deleted and your username will be removed from the platform too.
Unlike a few other platforms that let you reactivate before a certain period, you can’t access your Instagram account after selecting the permanently delete account option, despite the 30-day window.

6. Does Instagram keep deleted accounts?

Instagram stores all information about the deleted accounts including the posts and other stuff as a record.
Once the account is permanently deleted, there is no way to recover it. That being said, you can try contacting Instagram support since they tend to recover deleted accounts but that entirely depends on how you present your case.

7. What do I lose if I delete the Instagram app?

If you just uninstall the Instagram app from your smartphone, then you will not lose any data including posts and your comments. Your followers and the following list will also remain unchanged.
You can reinstall the Instagram app anytime and log in to your account to start using the platform.

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