On Thursday, the city of Mumbai woke up to the shocking news of a celebrated actor like Saif Ali Khan being attacked in his own residence in the wee hours of the morning in the plush locality of Bandra, suburban Mumbai. The actor was immediately admitted to the nearby Lilavati Hospital where he was rushed into surgeries as he sustained some deep and severe wounds. Now sharing an update on the same, a doctor from the hospital has assured everyone that his condition is stable and that he is out of danger.
Saif Ali Khan attack update: Doctor confirms actor’s condition is stable; says, “He sustained major injury to the thoracic spinal cord”
What did the doctor have to say on Saif Ali Khan’s health
Speaking to the media, the Lilavati doctor issued a statement regarding the injuries that Khan sustained during the attack saying, “He sustained major injury to the thoracic spinal cord due to lodged knife in the spine. Surgery was performed to remove the knife and also repair the leaking spinal fluid. Two other deep wounds on his left hand and one on the neck was repaired by plastic surgery team.”
Furthermore, the doctor added, “The entire surgery was monitored by Dr. Srinivas Kuruva as a cardiologist. He is completely stable now. He is recovering well and out of danger.”
What happened at Saif Ali Khan’s residence in Mumbai?
Saif Ali Khan was injured during an alleged robbery attempt at his residence in the early hours of the morning. Between 2:00 AM and 2:30 AM, the actor was awoken by unusual noises and discovered an intruder in his home. In an effort to confront the would-be burglar, Saif was injured in the ensuing scuffle. Followed by the incident, his son, Ibrahim Ali Khan, along with a house help, promptly escorted him to the nearby hospital Lilavati in Bandra where the actor was given immediate medical treatment and was taken in for surgery.
Also Read: Hum Tum filmmaker Kunal Kohli issues statement about the recouping health of Saif Ali Khan
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